Cafe Fair Coffee, Ground, Guatemalan

    USDA Organic. Fairtrade: This Fairtrade Certified organic coffee brews smooth, light and bright. Truly the beaujolais of great coffees! The socially responsible coffee. 80% solar. Fairly traded. Eco-friendly. Always organic. 100% arabica coffee. Cafe Fair does make a difference! Care Fair is: Fairly Traded: Fairtrade is a practice which gives smaller farmers in coffee producing areas access to buyers worldwide. It is your assurance that farmers receive a fair minimum price for their coffee, regardless of the world market price. By providing farmers a means to bypass exploitative middlemen, they are able to cover their costs, receive a living wage, and make investments in their worker communities and education. Care Fair is: Eco-Friendly: Due to deforestation, both native and migratory birds are Increasingly dependent upon shade grown coffee farms for food and shelter. These bird friendly coffee farms only harvest coffee from trees planted under the canopy of existing forests. Buying shade grown, bird friendly coffee not only helps protect these wildlife habitats, it also discourages the clearing of forests for development of new coffee farms. Cafe Fair is: Always Organic: Organic coffee farmers view the entire farm as one ecosystem. With an emphasis on one healthy biosphere, farmers focus on recycling, composting, and soil health, strictly avoiding the use of synthetic herbicides and dangerous pesticides. True certified coffee! Cafe Fair Mission Statement. Cafe Fair was founded to help improve the working and living conditions of our organic grower partners in third world countries, and their families. By providing a link for them with socially conscious consumers in the United tee, Cafe Fair is making a difference. We partner with reputable organizations such as Fairtrade international, The Rainforest Alliance and the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center to help us accomplish our mission, and to provide assurance that we are meeting our commitment as the socially responsible coffee that you want in your cup. Only through providing fair livable wages, conscientious agricultural practices, and your commitment, will truly sustainable agriculture flourish. Cafe Fair is proud to play its part. A solar powered coffee company. We generate 80% of our electricity from 315 solar panels on our roof. Certified By: Rainforest Alliance Certified: scbi/migratorybirds. See for the specific certification for each coffee. Fairtrade certified and sourced from Fairtrade producers. Total 100%. Visit Certified by Midwest Organic Services Assoc.